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9 Konopisopoulou str,
11524, Athens
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ERGOMARE SA is the only construction company in Greece that is specialized exclusively in the port and marine infrastructure construction field, keeping alive a family tradition of more than 30 years.
Founded by Constantine Bitounis, an inspirational Civil Engineer, ERGOMARE SA is specialized in the field of port and marine infrastructure construction, with focus on medium and large scale projects, usually the most challenging ones in terms of technical and geographical complexity.
Over the years, ERGOMARE SA’s engineers and experienced personnel, have developed more than 100 port construction projects, both for the public and private clients, both domestically and internationally:
-Commercial and passenger ports
-Pescatorial Shelters
-Berthing and cargo piers
-Specialized marine works (pier repairs, shipwreck removals, underwater pipe-laying etc)
Moreover, ERGOMARE SA’ s services cover a wide range of marine services, including marine transports, underwater mapping and surveying and diving works.
With state-of-the-art techniques deriving from the accumulated company experience and know- how, coupled with the company-owned modern equipment, ERGOMARE SA can provide three complete sets of machinery (floating cranes or excavators, tugboats and barges) and implement every aspect of the marine infrastructure work with the highest standards of safety and efficiency:
-Port basin dredging
-Sea walls, piers and jetties construction
-Floating docks (pontoons) placing
-Port and marina electro-mechanical infrastructure (pillars, watering, firefighting installations, security installations)
-Construction and placement of port equipment (moorings, buffers, bollards)
-Breakwater constructions by artificial or natural big stones
-Integrated coastal zone formation, management and coastal protection
-Special underwater foundation (bored piles, gravel piles, drainage)
-Artificial reef construction
-Offshore wind parks construction
Ergomare SA is registered with the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure registry of public works Contractors for the construction mainly of Port/Marine works but also Road construction, Hydraulic works, Building and Industrial/ Energy works.
Ergomare is a pioneer in private marine works in Greece (Hotel marinas, cargo loading piers etc)
Ergomare SA brings solid experience, specialized personnel and modern machinery and equipment to its clients, and is proud to provide integrated solutions for any offshore construction or service.
Floating cranes, Tug Boats, Barges and other equiment.