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16 Amaroussiou - Halandriou Str.
15125, Maroussi


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J & P - AVAX Group is one of the largest construction Groups in Greece.

The company has been listed in the main market of the Athens Exchange since 1994 and has a considerable presence in the larger projects of the county and the international market. 

The following companies belong to the Group: ETETH S.A., ATHENA S.A., PROET S.A., ERGONET S.A., J&P Development S.A., ELVIEX S.A.,E-CONSTRUCTION S.A., AUTECO (J & P AVAX IKTEO S.A.), TASK J&P AVAX S.A., ILIOFANEIA S.A., VOLTERRA S.A., TERRA FIRMA, ANEMA, C-PRO, ENERGIAKI KYKLADON and AKINITA EVIAS. The Group includes more specifically companies that hold 7th, 6th, 4th and 3rd grade certificates for Public Works, along with companies of complementary activities such as Real Estate, Prefabrication, Vehicles Inspection Centers, Construction – Management and Operation of Parking Areas, Facilities Management, E-commerce, Management of Projects and Contracts, Wood Impregnation, Operation of Renewable Energy Recourses, Development of Wind and Solar parks, etc.

The group’s activities in all aspects of construction projects, civil engineering, building, hydraulic, port and road works, electromechanical, energy and industrial, pipeline networks and natural gas, the import of technical know-how from abroad, the exports to other countries, helped it to achieve international recognition and to become a serious and accountable partner in co-operations with international institutions and the largest construction companies internationally.

A considerable part of the Group’s activities are the concession contracts and projects in other countries.

The Group is recruiting highly specialized professionals in order to expand its business to new activities, such as the management of co-financed projects, environmental activities and strategic participations in other companies.

A unique characteristic of the group is adhesion to its basic principles, which revolve around human needs, and serve aesthetics and efficiency.

In all its activities, J&P AVAX Group applies international management systems for Quality, Safety and Environment, which are certified by ISO 9001:2000, OSHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 certificates respectively.
Technical work contractors and installations.